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My baby hates the car seat
Anne Matthews Anne Matthews

My baby hates the car seat

Parents can find travelling with a baby in the car an absolute nightmare because the child can become distressed for the entire length of the journey whether it be long or short. Babies and toddlers often experience discomfort and distress when sitting in a moulded car seat, and this can be connected to a variety of physical and neurological factors rooted in their birth experience.

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Constipation in babies and young children
Anne Matthews Anne Matthews

Constipation in babies and young children

Constipation issues in early childhood, ranging from newborns to toddlers, can be deeply intertwined with the state of the nervous system and the birth experience. Here's a progressive exploration of how these factors contribute to ongoing constipation for babies and children which may also prove challenging for a parent to manage

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Sleep Issues in babies, toddlers and older children
Anne Matthews Anne Matthews

Sleep Issues in babies, toddlers and older children

Sleep issues in babies, toddlers, and older children can sometimes be linked to a poorly integrated nervous system, which may be a result of a heightened state of alertness due to a triggered sympathetic nervous system, also known as their fight/flight response. This heightened state can be related to their life in the womb, their birth experience and the subsequent impact on the early setting of their vagal nerve tone.

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Delivering a stillborn baby… 30 years on the memory still chokes me up
Anne Matthews Anne Matthews

Delivering a stillborn baby… 30 years on the memory still chokes me up

Phillip’s apparent unexplained death by health professionals became a motivating factor and a lifelong journey of personal and professional development which propelled me into the world of Pre & Perinatal Education. I have used my extensive knowledge and skills to help other mums and partners make sense of the traumatic deliveries and births they have experienced. I guide them on a path of healing their wounds through interpreting and understanding Baby Body Language and much more.

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